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Biodiesel/RME/PME - ALDiesel/Poel/SVO - TDI/PD/CDI/JTD/HDI-Technik

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Date: May 29, 2002 at 13:05:32
Roy, []
Subject: Land Rover Discovery 200TDi auf POL?


Sorry for posting in English, but my German is pretty bad, however I can read it so don't worry about replying in Deutsch. :)
I live in Scotland and am looking into converting my Land Rover Discovery 200 TDi (2485cc), which has a Bosch injector pump.
This car uses quite a lot of fuel when doing a lot of off-road work (1:7,5) so I need to make sure the system can cope with a high throughput. I've been told that the conversion kit from ATG (Diesel-Therm) is not capable of dealing with this amount of throughput.
Now I've been looking at several kits and so far it's hard to find a good reference to the pro's and con's of each. I'm looking for a good balance in price/quality/performance.
Please don't hesitate to send your comments, they are much appreciated!


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Date: May 30, 2002 at 13:46:19
stephan h, []
Subject: What kind of engine is that??

Hello Roy and Michael,

I just needed to have a look into my Bosch catalogue. They say Landies TDi have a 200/300 Gemini engine. I thought TDi is registred trademark of VW?? So a VW engine?

a bit confused...

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    Date: May 31, 2002 at 03:06:45
    MichaelZ, []
    Subject: Re: What kind of engine is that??

    Hi Stephan,

    nope, the Gemini engine is the right name, short form is just 200 or 300 TDI. The name can't be have the rights of volkswagen, because the LR TDI engine is on the market a longer time than the vw-tdi-engines. It is complete different from the vw-engines.

    Iron engine block, aluminium head, and now my English is on the end:
    untenliegende Nockenwelle, Stößelstangen und Kipphebel und 2,5 Liter Hubraum.

    best regards


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    Date: May 31, 2002 at 10:04:09
    stephan h, []
    Subject: Ich mach mal auf Deutsch weiter...

    Hallo Michael,

    M.W. hat VW mal einen Prozess geführt um das Kürzel "TDI" und den auch gewonnen. Seitdem lassen sich die Hersteller alles schützen. Mercedes hat dann "CDI" genommen, Opel mußte seine Buchstaben verdrehen und "DTI schreiben und die Franzosen sind auf "HDI" ausgewichen, weil "CDI" schon weg war. Daher muß ich eigentlich annehmen: Wo TDI drauf steht, ist auch TDI drin. Mich wundert also Deine Antwort etwas, aber vielleicht war das noch von vor dem Prozeß, denn diese Motoren wurden, laut meinem Katalog ja schon zielmich früh eingesetzt.
    Vielleicht weis Hans F. da auch noch was zu den Kürzeln...


    PS: down-lying/under-head cam shaft,
    push rods
    rocker arms
    2.5 litres capacity

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    Date: May 31, 2002 at 10:14:00
    MichaelZ, []
    Subject: Re: Ich mach mal auf Deutsch weiter...

    Hallo Stephan,

    hmmm, schon komisch. Steht auch auf den Alukisten seitlich am Kotflügel vorne drauf (ganz dick) TDI. Mit VW haben sie absolut nichts zu tun. Vielleicht greift der Namensschutz nur bei PKW's und nicht bei Geländeautos oder ähnlichem.

    Viele Grüße


    PS: Dank für Translation, aber wenn ichs das nächste Mal brauche, hab ichs bestimmt wieder vergessen. ;-)

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    Date: May 30, 2002 at 11:25:10
    MichaelZ, []
    Subject: Re: Land Rover Discovery 200TDi auf POL?


    indeed it seems to work on LR-DI-engines. I believe, you need a 2-tank-system to avoid SVO influence into the engine oil.
    The Bosch VE seems to stand the higher viscosity SVO and the build in membrane fuel pumpe of the 200 and 300 tdi engines for sure helps a lot. How is the application of your filter system working in your disco? Is that exactly the same like the Defender models?
    I only know one person in Germany, who is running a 300TDI (Def.90)with SVO using a 2-Tank-system and a (small) heat exchanger cooling liquid/SVO and until now I have heart nothing bad about it.

    I have a one-ten with the 2,5 n/a engine and one-tank-system (thanks god a swirl-chamber). The only problem ist, when it is very cold at night and I park the car uphill, the engine do not want to start the next morning. The reason is not bad pre-glowing or bad atomization of the nozzles, it is only that problem, the viscosity of SVO is so high, the fuel lift pump can't pull it through the (10mm) line from the tank while starting rounds of the enigne. Since a long time I want to build in an additional electrical lift pump, but it means a lot of work and an additional possibly-failure part. So I avoid uphill parking and mixing about 10 to 20% gasoil, when the temperatur is under about 5 degrees.

    HTH and best wishes

    Michael (who do not like the combination SVO and direct injection)

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    Date: May 30, 2002 at 11:46:30
    MichaelZ, []
    Subject: Re: Land Rover Discovery 200TDi auf POL?

    Hi again,

    I forgot your basically question. The things you need to build a 2-tank-system you can find in LR-markets. There are for sure perfect-matching additional tanks and valves for switching SVO/gasoil.
    Best would be a second diesel-filter to avoid big masses of fluids, which have to be exchanged. The bad part of the Bosch VE-pumps is the oil in the whole pump case first, which have to be exchanged. For sure it is possible to install two 2/3-way-valves to switch the inlet and outlet line separately to avoid "contamination" of the gasoil from starting tank with SVO. Electrical valves are also available from add-on-tank-suppliers. The ATG-part is just a good joke to solve SVO-problems. You can look for a (used) fluid/fluid-heat-exchanger. Good experiences here in the forum are made with the fuel/water-exchanger of the Audi A8. The most important part of warming up the SVO is to make it transportable for the filter application and the lines. The injection pump forself is already heating up a lot, also the nozzles, during you warmup the car with gasoil.

    Have a nice day


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    Date: May 30, 2002 at 12:49:06
    Roy, []
    Subject: Re: Land Rover Discovery 200TDi auf POL?

    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for you posts! With all the information I have gathered so far I was thinking about the following setup:
    Additional tank for VOIL, approx 50l., "alfa-laval" heat exchanger (which is supposed to have a higher throughput than the Audi A8 one), peugeot heated diesel filter and the switches and valves from the standard kit from The only thing I need to figure out is a good system to warm up the oil in the tank.

    I like to keep my diesel tank for diesel, since it's underneath the back part and has a 10mm connection.

    What were the tanks you referred to in your post (LR-markets?)?


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    Date: May 31, 2002 at 03:09:47
    MichaelZ, []
    Subject: Re: Land Rover Discovery 200TDi auf POL?

    Hi Roy,

    just try to look in the LRE magazine. For sure there are some suppliers of tanks and so on for LR's.

    I can try to find some links of british part dealers, if you want.

    Best regards


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    Date: May 31, 2002 at 10:44:27
    MichaelZ, []
    Subject: Re: Land Rover Discovery 200TDi auf POL?

    Hi Roy,

    perhaps a link can help you: in menu on the left side "Betrieb" and "Pflanzenoel". There is a story about the disco 200 TDI of Carsten Riese. For sure a mail can help you.

    Have a nice day


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