Biodiesel/RME/PME - ALDiesel/Poel/SVO - TDI/PD/CDI/JTD/HDI-Technik

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Date: August 27, 2002 at 14:52:51
From: Rhanie, []
URL: Die Schwachsinnsseite in Deutsch
Subject: Wg. dem Pflanzenölbrenner und Jatropha


Weils "drüben" mal wieder angesprochen wurde, hab ich euch hier mal son Brenner rausgesucht: Klickanleitung: use of the Oil (Links), dann auf das Bild mit dem Kocher, dann nochmal auf das Bild des Multifuelkochers.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich noch darauf hinweisen, das es mit nem Docht schon sehr lange funktioniert Pflanzenöl zu verbrennen. (Nannte man damals Öllampen.)

Mal was Positiveres zu dem Zeug:

Jatropha curcas, a member of the Euphorbiaceae family, is a multi-purpose tree of significant economic importance because of its several industrial and medicinal uses. Jatropha grows throughout most of the tropics. It survives on poor stony soils and is resistant to drought. The seed cake has 58-60 % crude protein (53-55 % true protein content) and the level of essential amino acids except lysine is higher than the FAO reference protein. However, this seed cake has been found to be highly toxic to fish and rats. The toxic principles have been identified as phorbol esters. A bioassay for quantification of phorbol esters using fish (Carp, Cyprinus carpio L.) has also been developed.

With N. Foidl, G. Oliver, B. Schmook, T. N. Bhandare, J. B. Pandey, M. Sujatha.
Feeding studies on rats and fish established that the seed meal prepared from seeds collected from a wild variety of Jatropha curcas which originated from Mexico is non-toxic. The protein, energy, lipid and amino acid contents in the seeds of the non-toxic provenance are similar to those of toxic varieties. The meals contained significant levels of trypsin inhibitor, lectin and phytate, and their levels did not differ between the non-toxic and toxic varieties. Absence of phorbol esters in the seeds of non-toxic variety from Mexico suggests that one of the toxic principles in meals from toxic varieties is phorbol esters. Phytate constitutes a major single anti-nutritive component of Jatropha meals which is not heat labile and can have adverse effects, whereas other anti-nutritional factors like trypsin inhibitors and lectins can be destroyed by heat treatments. The non-toxic variety of Jatropha from Mexico can be a suitable alternative to the toxic Jatropha varieties. This non-toxic variety of Jatropha could be a potential source of oil for human consumption, and the seed cake can be a good protein source for humans as well as for livestock. Keeping in view the advantages of the non-toxic variety, the seeds of this variety have been sent to Nicaragua, Zimbabwe, Mexico and India for cultivation through traditional and tissue culture techniques and comparison for yield, resistance to diseases, survival and nutrient requirements with the toxic varieties of the region.

Müsst mans nur noch gegen die toxische Variante austauschen.....

Gruß Rhanie.

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