Date: July 03, 2004 at 09:28:04
From: Funman, []
Subject: Nochne Idee
Hallo Rhanie,
um Wiederholung zu vermeiden, wenns paßt, nen Warmgerätestecker
einbauen und Kabel abnehmbar. Dann flutscht im Notfall die Kupplung
aus dem Stecker.
Tschüß, Funman Hajo
Configuration Error detected!
UFORUM Version 1.00
o SCRIPT = [/cgi-bin/]
o BASEURL = []
o BASEDIR = []
o INIFILE = [talkshop.ini]
If the BASEDIR variable is blank, then check the main UFORUM INI file
in your CGI-BIN directory. It is likely that you haven't defined a pointer in
that file that points back to the location of your UFORUM Forum. Please see
the installation instructions for further details.
Follow Ups: