Biodiesel/RME/PME - ALDiesel/Poel/SVO - TDI/PD/CDI/JTD/HDI-Technik

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Date: May 04, 2007 at 04:55:46
From: Rhanie, []
Subject: Re: Pflanzenölkocher

Hi Sam!

I will write like you between the Text, its more easy to unterstand.

>Our partners in the Philipines are Leyte State University

I Check the Page, but i cant find this Protos projekt, there are some projekts like the National Abaca Research Center (NARC) (Materials for Mercedes), so maybe Protos its unter the Visayas Consortium for Agriculture and Resources Program (VICARP)?

Maybe you can provide me the Emailadress from somebody of the Projektadministration?

>For both of our current tests in the Philippines and Tanzania we are having generally overall quite positive results. A few complain about the cleaning or the noise

Yes, the cleaning is still a problem whit Plant oil, also its different from the Kind of Oil they use.
The noise okay, anyway its nearly the same than an standart Kerosenestove.

>At the end of the day, if plant oil is not cheaper than the alternatives than our product is not competitive. If a government is subsidizing kerosene, plant oils will need a subsidy to compete.

You are shure the Philippine goverment is subsidizing Kerosene?
I know only Diesel (grude) is subsidize for PUJ and PUB Vehikels.

>This may be possible because ultimately it is more logical to subsdize locally produced oil that also creates jobs than to spend Foreign exchange to import and then distort the market (massively increase demand) for kerosene.

Yes, but i see also the risk for the Inviroment if the people plant Jathropa insteat of foot, it needs big space, and they will get it also from the jungle, furthermore i see problems in the fabrication of this oil, i write already sometimes here over this problems if you want you can search them over the "suchen" button.
As an example, you can see the "enviroment friendly" abaca projekt from Mercedes, they also plant the abaca on free jungle before, because its not profitable if you dont to it excessive.

So maybee, its just only the same if they destroy the jungle for firing wood, or if they destroy him for planting jathropa.

I find it better to provide the Protos with used plant oil, -as an example i buy my used oil from jollybee, 18 Kilos 300 Pesos its about 15 P / Liter and thus is around less than the half of the keroseneprice, the Waste (fat) i sell to the same price to the poeple that cooking whit that, so there is no waste i just only have to take care that i dont get too much oil for my Car, because that the people have foot for my is much higher priority than to drive my car for lower price.

BSH can sell the stove with an lowcost filter for the oil, if this is integraded in the tank the filter will also stay long, because of not drying.

>In theory the stove can be started with anything that allows it to achieve the inital starting temperature above 250 degrees. We are working on a method to use the plant-oil itself with some tissue paper or cotton.

Iiiagh! I think this will give a really nasty dirt.
By the way: i thought the idea was to have a clean way to cook? ;)

>Initial tests indicate this is possible and naturally this will dramatically improve the operating costs of the stove. However, at present, the cleanest source for pre-heating is alcohol.

Of course, but i think the burner have to start like a standartkerosene as a yellowburner, its already enough soot too.

Regards Rhanie.

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