Date: July 02, 2001 at 08:26:49
From: thomas ziegler, []
URL: Thomas Ziegler
Subject: beitrag aus usa: verkokungen und erhöhter verschleiß durch pöl...?? bzw
schrieb in der mailingliste:
am Mon, 2 Jul 2001 02:02:13 +0200
Betreff: Re[2]: straight vegetable oil
>...running my Mazda 2.0 litre diesel on SVO (=pflanzenöl) for 9 months now, with only problems being when I forgot to change back to diesel (now biodiesel) at the end of the trip.
I have a copy of a report from my employer relating to the running of a diesel generating station on canola (rapeseed) oil. They found that the carbon build up caused an increase in wear of about 30%, based on lube oil analysis.
Photographs of the injectors, confirm the carbon build up.
Although the savings on fuel costs would pay for my car in less than 70 000 km (I have done 12000 so far), I would prefer to run the car for much longer than that.
I am trialling a water injection system, operating at maximum throttle only.
I am loking for someone who can photograph inside the pre combustion
chambers. At least photos of the injector tips will be taken, at 5000 or 10000 km intervals...
demnach ergäbe sich durch pflanzenöl ein um 30% höherer verschleiß...
ich frag da aber mal nach rohdaten zum beleg...
-erinnert mich irgendwie an diese "lustlose" untersuchung (jüngst, vom uba??) ... nach dem motto streue unsinn und sprich darüber... letztlich um pöl ins "ökologische abseits" zu schieben...
ich meine wir sollten da jeweils dagegenhalten! und natürlich weiterpölen, -wenn überhaupt kfz...
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